One of the biggest challenges for any busy mom, is to ensure that her family eats healthy when there just is not a lot of time to plan and prepare healthy meals.
I totally get it… roles are shifting and many women work full or part-time jobs as well. With all the kids’ activity carpools on top of that, and often parents dividing to conquer them, it is often much easier and less time consuming to hit the drive-thru of your favorite fast food restaurant on the road.
What can we do to help ensure that we are eating as healthy as we can? Over the years, I have often mulled over the issue of “not enough time”, and together {with my hubby} we came up with a few tips to help ensure that our family was eating more healthy than not.
On today’s episode of The Mom’s View’s Mom Minute we share with you how we eat in the CGH home {although we are not perfect}, including what is in our children’s lunches, with some healthy meal tips that you may find helpful as well…
Happy Parenting!